The Complete Guide to Serving
Does this ever happen to your serve?
- You struggle to toss the ball in a place you can rely on...
- Your body just feels out of balance on the serve
- You just pray the ball goes in the box and the box just gets smaller and smaller
- Your hands start to shake and you get short of breath from being so nervous because you just can’t trust your serve
- You wish you could have more power spin and control but have no idea how to start the process

If you answered yes to any of these questions...that is great because you have joined forces with virtually anyone who has ever picked up a racket.
I have spent thousands of hours on the court working with thousands of students helping them solve these exact problems. The good news for you is with a little hard work, trust, and perseverance you too will conquer all these problems. The best part is and the end of the dark tunnel there is light and the reward is that tremendous feeling of self accomplishment. So if you don’t give up and you stick with me, we will get there together, I promise.

Having a rock solid foundation on your serve is vital to your success on the court
Within this course you will learn:

- The Two Face Serve which will have you playing a match in a week
- How to Fish for Aces which will add much needed power and control to your serve
- Why the continental grip is essential to your long term tennis success
- How to hit a slice serve that will spin violently off the court and give you tons of free points
- How to swing as fast a you can on the second serve and eliminate double faults
- How to master the toss so you can always trust exactly where the ball will be
- How to Master the Kick Serve which will keep your opponents guessing and feed you short put away shots
- When to bring out the big flat serve to keep your opponents from ever establishing a return rhythm
- My secret playbooks I have developed from the pros to have you holding serve with ease
- And much more


About Me

I love tennis with all my heart and soul. I have a passion for helping people become the best tennis player and person they can be. In my 20 plus years of teaching I have coached two division 1 college tennis teams, produce 3 top 30 nationally ranked juniors from scratch, coached numerous state ranked juniors and adults, and been the USTA Georgia Pro of the Year. All those accomplishments feel great, but all that stuff is not why I teach tennis. I do if because I love making people feel great about themselves, especially new players just entering the game. When you decide to purchase this course you will feel great, because I love to have fun, and I will be giving you all the best material I have learned over my 30 plus years of playing and coaching.

My Commitment to You!!!
No Fluff, there are no long winded explanations of simple concepts. In each video I get right to the meat and potatoes...I promise.
These videos will help you improve whether you are a beginner , intermediate, or advanced player.
I am going to break down each lesson in an easy to follow step by step process, complete with slow motion video analysis, detailed explanations, and easy to remember catch phrases you can call on to help your serve in the heat of battle.

Over 30 plus Action packed Instructional Serve Videos with Zero Fluff
