Tennis Con LIVE 2024 at Innisbrook Resort
April 18th-21st 2024
To be your best you must learn from the Best!
Improve your technique, strategy, and mental strength in 4 Days working with world class instructors.
Get hands on Instruction from the Best Coaches on the Planet!
Apply Before Spots Fill Up

At this beautiful resort ==>

Get secrets to rapid improvement that your local coach does not know.
Join a select group of Passionate Tennis Players Just Like you who have a Burning Desire to Play Bigger and Better everyday, and get hands on training with your favorite coach!
Join us April 18th to 21st 2024
APPLY Before Nov 30 and Get $1000 Off!
Normal Cost $3450 Now $2450
Meet Our Tennis Con LIVE Coaches...
Last Year's Schedule...
They are the Best in the World at what they do!
Day 1
Day 1: Play Bigger!
Power when you want it and placement where you need it!

How to Develop Perfect Backhand Technique
Kevin Garlington has a beautiful backhand and is an outstanding coach. Regardless if you have a one handed or two handed backhand Kevin will teach you perfect fundamentals needed to hit a beautiful backhand.
If you are ready to start taking charge of those cross court backhand battles then you want to be on the court with Kevin at Tennis Con LIVE.
Kevin Garlington / Over 80k Subscribers on YouTube
Master Class on Forehand and Backhand Volleys
John Craig loves to teach players how to have classic volleys. Being good at the net can really make or break a tennis match, especially if you play doubles.
It is so important to have great volley technique so you can finish points off with confidence.
John will teach you the art of the volley.
John Craig / Over 17k Subscribers on YouTube
How to Build Mental Toughness
Not many people know how to work on mental toughness. People think you either have it or you don't. But the truth is most people struggle with playing with confidence in tennis matches.
Every coach hears the same complaint from their students. "Why do I play so good in practice and play so bad in my match?"
If you can relate don't miss Master Pro Jorge Capestany this year at Tennis Con LIVE.
He will teach you how to build your mental toughness in matches so you can play with confidence.
Jorge Capestany / USPTA and PTR Master Professional

Dinner with the Tennis Con LIVE Pros
Join Gigi, Pete, Jorge, John, and Kevin for dinner at the beautiful Innisbrook Resort.
This is a great opportunity to bond with your coaches and fellow obsessed tennis players!
Day 2
Day 2 "Hit Big with Better Technique”

How to Modernize Your Forehand
If your forehand could use an update you will love this session with Kevin.
Today's forehands are superior to old school classic forehands. It is one of the biggest changes on the pro tour.
Advances in technique and technology allows players to generate more spin, racket head speed, and power, which makes the game so much more fun to play.
Kevin Garlington

Build a Professional Serve
The serve is easily the MOST frustrating shot in tennis, but it does not have to be.
Imagine standing at the line with confidence and pride because you know your serve is one of the best at the club.
Having a great serve in club tennis is a game changer. You get aces, free points, and easy put aways.
In order to do this you need the correct fundamentals otherwise your serve falls apart under pressure.
John and Peter LOVE to teach the and can't wait to teach you how to hit a professional style serve.
John Craig and Peter Freeman

16 Second Doubles Cure
Jim Loehr had a major breakthrough in tennis coaching when he developed the 16 second cure. It helped tennis players stay calm, focused, and play with confidence in match play.
Master Pro Jorge Capestany has created his own version of the 16 second cure for doubles players.
His 16 second cure helps doubles teams stay connected, focused, and work together to develop match winning strategies.
You will never play doubles the same after attending this session.
Jorge Capestany

Gigi's Grand Slam Playbook
This is awesome!
Gigi is going to open up her Grand Slam Playbook for you!
She will teach you plays that helped her win 17 Grand Slam Titles that will help you win MORE matches on the court.
Learn how to set up easy poach winners, put away volleys, passing shots and overheads.
Gigi Fernandez / Winner of 17 Grand Slam Titles

Rule the Court with Positioning
Do you sometimes feel like a fish out of water on the tennis court?
Sometimes being in the right place at the right time makes all the difference.
Most tennis players have instincts that work against them on the tennis court.
You guard the alley when you should break to the middle, you get stuck in no man's land, when you should be moving up into winning position, and you close too hard on the net leaving you open to easy lobs.
These are just a few examples of common court position mistakes that kill you in matches.
Jorge and John will make the game much enjoyable for you showing you how to move to the right spot so you get the easiest shots possible.
John Craig and Jorge Capestany -

Get Professional Match Coaching
We all play different in matches. Our technique changes, we make court positioning mistakes, and use poor shot selection.
The problem is we rarely have a coach who can help us correct these mistakes in matches.
At Tennis Con LIVE Pete and Kevin will be watching your matches and help you make better decisions in the heat of battle!
Kevin Garlington and Peter Freeman
Day 3
Day 3: “Play Big...Win More Matches with Smart Strategy”

Midcourt Domination
You have set the table perfectly and now it is time to eat!
Mastering the midcourt is key to winning lots of tennis matches.
Many players are great at setting up points but very few can finish them.
In this lesson Mehrban and Pete will show you how to finish points with confidence.
Mehrban Iranshad and Peter Freeman -

Breaking Serve
This is a real treat.
If you don’t know Karue he is formerly ranked 400 in the world on ATP tour and was Naomi Osaka’s hitting partner in her runs up to her Australian and US Open victories.
Karue LOVES to return serve and says the trick is to figure out your opponent's serve in the couple of games and then start picking it apart.
Returning serve is the other 50% of tennis no one talks about or works on.
If you want to start breaking serve more often attend Tennis Con LIVE!
Karue Sell / Co-Owner of Tennis HQ Over 80k Subscribers on YouTube

Fearless Tennis
Are you match tough?
Do you thrive under pressure or fold?
If you play timid when the match is on the line, tune into Jeff Greenwald’s presentation.
Jeff is a world renowned sports psychologist who specializes in helping tennis athletes play fearlessly under pressure.
I believe this is a must see for every tennis player because he is going to show you how to measure your improvement in areas of mental toughness.
This is a BOLD promise. It is easy to measure serve improvement, consistency off the ground, but how will he help you measure mental toughness?
Come to Tennis Con Live and find out!
Jeff Greenwald - M.A., M.F.T/ Author, Renowned Sport Psychologist Two-Time World-Champion

Crush Overheads
Overheads should be the tennis version of a slam dunk in basketball.
Overheads should NOT be missed and the point should be over.
But very few overheads are routinely put away under the 4.5 level.
The 2 big reasons for this are poor prepartion fundamentals and poor timing.
In this session Mehrban and Pete will show you how to improve your set up technique and timing so you can CRUSH overheads.
Mehrban Iranshad and Peter Freeman -

Touch Master- Lobs Dropshots and Angles
Want to have a lot of fun on the tennis court?
Master your touch game.
This is the easiest way to set up points and frustrate your opponents.
Karue will teach you how to become a touch master.
Karue Sell -

Mapping out your Tennis Future Q and A Session
This is going to be an awesome opportunity to work with Jeff and Gigi to map out your tennis future.
Goal setting is so important as a tennis player.
Jeff and Gigi will give show you the way to a bright tennis future.
Gigi Fernandez and Jeff Greenwald

Video Analysis Lesson with Ryan
Ryan will talk with you live as he analyzes your game and shows you exactly how to play better than you ever have before.
Ryan Reidy - over 155k Subscribers on YouTube

Tennis Con LIVE Doubles Round Robin
This is optional. But if you still have gas left in the tank, join the Tennis Con LIVE Doubles Round Robin for more tennis and fun!
Day 4
Day 4: “Think Big and Play Better Under Pressure"

Doubles Poaching 101 with Gigi and Karue
Poach like a pro with 17 Time Grand Slam Champion Gigi Fernandez and Karue Sell.
In this poaching master class you will learn
Gigi Fernandez and Karue Sell

Play for your partner passing shots
Most doubles players make the mistake of hitting passing shots that will make the ESPN highlight reel.
But smart doubles players are attempting passing shots that help thier doubles partner finish points at the net.
In this session we will teach you how to play chess not checkers when it comes to passing shots and setting up your partner for success.
Ryan Reidy and Peter Freeman -

Tension Free Tennis
Jeff and Mehrban will show you how to relax on your groundies so you can grip it and rip with confidence.
Most tennis players hold the racket too tight and are NOT even aware of it.
Jeff Greenwald has developed a systemized practice called the Tension Dial to help tennis players be more aware of when they start to hold the racket too tight in matches.
After this lesson you will:
Jeff Greenwald and Mehrban Iranshad -
Family Room
Tennis Con Live Important FAQ's
What is Tennis Con Live?
Tennis Con LIVE is a 4 day tennis camp that teaches you the finer points of the game featuring the Best Coaches on the planet?
Who Should attend Tennis Con?
Tennis Con LIVE is for Totally Obsessed Tennis Players who have a strong desire to improve their tennis game and consider themselves lifelong students of the game.
Where is Tennis Con Live?
Innisbrook Resort: 36750 U.S. Highway 19 North,, Palm Harbor, FL 34684
Fly in Airport?
Fly into Tampa Bay International Airport or Saint Pete Clearwater
When is Tennis Con LIVE ?
April 18th check in time 2 PM to April 21st with ending time of 12 pm
What about Accomodations?
Your accomodations are NOT included, which allows us to offer you a Bigger Discount this year and gives you flexibility on where you want to stay. We will be providing a list of choices for you.
Camp Cost?
Cost $3450 per player Now $2550

Tennis Con LIVE Application
Read before applying
I have the financial resources to attend this camp
Camp cost: $3450 a player Get $1000 Off New Price $2450 until Feb 28(includes 2 lunches and a dinner)