Forehand techniques get better with consistent practice, but it is very rare to find a person with same enthusiasm and motivation as you carry yourself. Unavailability of a practice partner should not stop you from having a good practice session. In such situations you need a survival kit, here is one such practice session kit that will help you to get through the difficulty of mastering forehand techniques. It is vital for you to leave the court satisfied after your practice slots, this will fire you up for your next level practice. Windshield Wiper Forehand technique is different from the classic forehand techniques as it requires more precision, control over the movement, balanced power swing and spontaneity.What you can do to get better at this, is practice shots on your own, for that you can do the following few tasks:-

  1. You should save yourself from exhausting when you are practicing alone, and for this you need to avoid random hitting and gathering balls from all over the court.
  2. Use a basket placed at the cross court position across the net, this basket is the ‘Angle Master’.
  3. Now you can set a challenge for yourself, like not taking a break before you get at least 5 hits to the basket or anything that keeps you motivated.
  4. Then try to fix the positions to hit on, for fixing your focus.
  5. Practice the angle that targets the front of the basket, then take up the angle that hits the basket or you can choose the angle of your choice.
  6. Focusing on getting the ball outside the court is a better trick, for this, set the leg and take a nice relaxing move that goes pretty high and drops low, this will ensure that the opponent really goes off the court to hit the ball that you have masterfully placed.
  7. It is better to practice extreme angles; they will make you look unbeatable.
  8. Do as many number of shots in one go as you can according to the time you have, this will bring greater consistency.

Forehand technique

Forehand- technique

This is a new and splendid shot that you can use in your game, indeed a great shot for your game. The swing for the windshield wiper forehand naturally lengthens according to the player so this fact makes it even more important to practice this shot. You can use this shot for passing the shots or it can be used to open up the court. Windshield Wiper shot is a must have in your bag of tricks. This is going to help you to come up with a pro and aggressive tennis game.

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