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Kick Serve and Slice Serve Essentials with Peter Freeman and Kevin Garlington
Do you have a plan on how you are going to develop a spin serve? If that has been a challenge for...
How to Win the Match of your Life?
We have Skip Johnson with us, who is a USPTA Master Professional and has also written a book,...
Modern Forehand Lesson in the Style of Roger Federer
One important weapon required in any tennis player’s arsenal is modern forehand technique. In this...
Live Kick Lesson
A player must be able to differentiate one serve shot from the other serve shot clearly. Nearly...
Tennis Tip: Number 1 Tennis Tip to Stop Missing Overheads
What can be more consolatory than a quick tip that can help you in hitting some great Overhead...
Forehand Lesson: Number 1 Forehand Tip to Stop Overhitting
Have you ever tried to hit the ball harder with more power and ended up missing lot more shots and...
Serve Lessons: How to Hit Slice, Kick and Flat
When we start to play tennis, in the beginning no one thinks about the scientific logics or the...
Serving Tips: Best Serving Lesson to hit a Killer Flat Serve with Continental Grip
We have talked about Slice serve, Kick Serve and Topspin serve in our previous write-ups, but we...
Learn how to volley like the pro players by covering the net like a Soccer Goalie
Nothing is more upsetting than getting passed out even after playing great shots. It happens...